My website does not load, how to know whether my website is truly down?

Is this truly a server downtime or just a connectivity OR other issue related to only you?


STEP 1 - Nameservers verification


Please make sure your domain name points correctly to our nameservers by using a tool like

  • If you are using third party nameservers for CloudFlare or any other hosted DNS, you should not open a downtime tickets since there can be multiple reasons for an outage. Instead, please submit as technical support ticket - More info
  • If you purchased your hosting and the domain name roughly a month back, there is a possibility that your domain is suspended. We send a verification email to the registrant email address, if the email is not verified within  a certain period of time, it can result in domain name suspension. 
    • Please check your emails thoroughly and validate the email.
    • Once its done, it will take nearly 4 more hours for your domain name to be unsuspended and website to be back up again.


STEP 2 - Downtime verification


  • Please go to the following websites and check whether your website/server is up and running. - If you see that your site is "partially available", it does not mean that the server is down, it means our server blocks the Sitemeer bot.

  • Check whether there is a downtime of the server; (Status should be offline if there is an ongoing outage)

If the above monitoring pages shows that your server is online, there is a higher chance that your IP has been  temporarily blocked due to invalid login attempts to cPanel or a related service; please disconnect your internet connection and reconnect again to obtain a new IP address. Then you can try again.

NOTE: You can also use our central filewall manager to check if your IP is blocked, please access and click on "Services" from the main navigation to access the central firewall.


STEP 3 - Trigger an alarm


If the both of the methods mentioned in the above "STEP 2 - Downtime verification" fails, you can trigger an internal alarm by opening a ticket under "Report a downtime" section. If you submit a ticket WITHOUT checking the above instructions, you will be charged a service fee.


  • If the given tools show your website is down, you do not have to do anything from your end and we will be looking into your ticket immediately.
  • It’s NOT required to call us and inform about a downtime, your service is always being monitored. Sales phone lines are only only for sales and billing inquiries.
  • If there is an ongoing issue, it must have been updated in our network status page (
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