Why emails are automatically marked as spam?

Every recipient server (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail ,etc) is different and may apply different spam filtering criteria for the messages being received.

  • If one recipient receives your email to the spam/junk folder does not mean all recipients are marking your emails as spam/junk.
  • Spam filters are constantly changing to adapt to new techniques and these techniques are unique to every recipient server.
  • This does not only depend on your hosting provider as long as the server IP is not blacklisted. However, we are responsible if the server IP is blacklisted - http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx

  • Make sure your website is not related to and phishing or spamming activity; and also make sure your email does not contain spam keywords.
  • Make sure that you are not in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Verify that your emails make the grade and you're not falling into common filtering rules.
  • Send your customers a personal email message requesting then to mark your emails "not spam" and then the provider (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail ,etc)  will also learn that pattern eventually.
  • Check to make sure that your Email Authentication is enabled - You can do this in your cPanel.
  • Examine your email bounces (email delivery failures). When an email bounces, it will tell you the reason for bouncing back.
  • Try to contact the recipient email service provider (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail ,etc)
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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